Sound Advice
NDY’s acoustics team provide detailed acoustic advice tailored to a project’s needs. This process begins by gaining a clear understanding of your acoustic expectations, whether this be the level of privacy between offices, a desired background noise level in an apartment bedroom or a particular reverberation time within an auditorium.
Our team has extensive experience in the construction industry, providing acoustic design input from the earliest town planning stages, through to completion and handover of constructed buildings. Our in depth knowledge of acoustic legislation and policy, enables us to provide practical, accurate and timely advice to developers and town planners alike.
Our Acoustics Services
Acoustics is the applied science of sound and its effects on the quality, health and safety of our environment. High quality acoustic design adds value by optimising material use and ensuring user comfort, privacy and functionality. Our team focuses on all aspects of acoustics including architectural and specialised spaces, environmental noise studies, and physical noise and vibration measurements.
What We Do
Building Acoustics
- Room acoustics including RTs and absorption coefficients (Reverberation Time RT, absorption coefficient Noise Reduction Coefficient NRC, impedance tube, Sabines, Room Constant R, Shultz, Kuttruff, Schroeder)
- Sound isolation including STC, FSTC, IIC, FIIC, Rw, R’w, Dntw, Lntw, Transmission coefficient T
- Speech privacy including level difference, sound masking, background noise levels, BS 8233. Dw, Noise reduction NR
- Design for confidentiality and voice security
- Building services noise control to AS/NZS 2107, ASHRAE etc, NC, NR, PNC, NCB, dBA, dB
Environmental Acoustics
- Road, Rail, Air transportation noise and vibration (Day and Night Sound Level Ldn, LA10, L90, Leq, dB, Lden, Lmax, Community Noise Equivalent Level CNEL, Background Noise Level, Impulse Noise, Peak Particle Velocity PPV, Statistical Noise Levels Ln, Sound Power Level Lw)
- Peer reviews
- Community noise reports and studies
- Construction noise management plans
- Marine and underwater noise impacts (Acoustical threshold, adaptation, hydrophone, array elements, echo signature, echolocation, ecology, acoustic curtain, sonobuoy, ultrasound, vertical migration, dBSea)
Vibration & Structural Acoustics
- Vibration measurements of mechanical equipment, road traffic, rail movements, floor mobility and damping (Amplitude, damping, dynamic stiffness, fast fourier transform FFT, Finite Element Analysis or Modelling, Frequency, Frequency response, Hamonic, Hertz, impact testing, natural frequency, Peak to Peak Pk-PK, Peak Particle Velocty PPV, Peak Vector Sum, Resounance, RMS Velocity, Spectrum)
- Road and rail noise and vibration controls
- Whole building vibration isolation to reduce structure-borne noise and vibration intrusion
- Specialist vibration design for sensitive equipment
- Vibration control from building services and occupant activities
- Underwater acoustic studies
- Aquatic and terrestrial animal species acoustic impact assessments
- (Acoustical threshold, adaptation, hydrophone, array elements, echo signature, echolocation, ecology, acoustic curtain, sonobuoy, ultrasound, vertical migration, dBSea, bat acoustics, wildlife acoustics, ultrasonic noise loggers)
Technical Investigations
- Product design support and advice
- Software development and training
- Proficient in the use of a variety of noise, vibration, odour, air quality, underwater acoustic modelling software and hardware
- Studio and Theatre consultancy
- Sound system design and technical specification
- Stage management system design and technical specification
- Sports and e-sporting Arenas