We carefully and skillfully consider ways in which our communities and cities can become more sustainable through the appropriate management of the built environment.
Our sustainable design expertise values all aspects of sustainability to ensure the projects we design are high performing and resilient across their life cycle, minimise natural resources and provide a healthy and safe space for people where they feel a sense of belonging and purpose.
Masterplanning, Design and Construction Services

Sustainable design strategies
We nurture the relationship between people and planetary health, striking not only a balance but improved outcomes in social and environmental sustainability. Buildings and places must be more than just resource efficient.
We place emphasis on human-centric design, delivering integrated and complimentary solutions which are environmentally responsive, people-focused and resilient. We deliver consultancy services that focus on whole-of-life impact to create efficient, affordable and healthy buildings.

Resiliency risk assessment and adaptation planning
As our climate changes so too must the way we consider the risks buildings and organisations face. We assess the probability and impact of climate risks to facilitate considered responses, striving for environmental, operational and community resilience.
Our results help clients and policymakers make informed decisions to address regulatory requirements, human health and environmental concerns and future planning scenarios.

Whole-of-life carbon assessments
Our team is equipped to drive projects towards lower carbon emissions from the earliest stages, all the way through to completion, with expertise on low and zero carbon design, sustainable procurement and construction strategies. We use data-driven design assessments for decision making, drawing from our database of projects and applying lessons-learned to every scenario.
We balance the carbon impact of materials, construction activities, refurbishment and end-of-life phases with a project’s key aims, for example enhancing wellbeing, minimising costs or reducing operational energy. This allows you to make informed low-carbon decisions throughout all project stages and work towards your sustainability targets and certifications.

Zero carbon action plans
We provide zero carbon action plans for precincts and buildings with clear actions to achieve zero carbon. This starts with design and follows into procurement, construction and operations.
Our plans future-proof buildings to accommodate any future additional loads, energy storage or demand response solutions which may occur or be implemented during a building’s lifetime. We also consider end-of-life scenarios and provide insight into future solutions for carbon risks such as back-up generation and refrigerants.

Verified sustainability certifications
We believe that a robust design framework or certification can help ensure a project’s environmental and social sustainability aspirations are realised in design, construction and operation.
We offer formal management and administration against all industry recognised sustainability certification schemes including Green Star, BREEAM, LEED, NABERS, WELL, Passive House and Living Building Challenge.

Renewable energy and storage solutions
Increasingly, organisations are recognising that establishing their own supply of renewable energy makes good sense for the bottom line as well as the planet. This applies to landlords and tenants who are looking at ways to deliver their sustainability objectives.
Our team can work through renewable energy feasibility studies such as solar photovoltaics or geothermal heating that include a strong return on investment and optimise design to provide a low-carbon, resilient solution.

Advanced simulation and analysis
Our advanced simulation provides real-world data to inform design. We use data to visualise and communicate trends and patterns, challenging the rules of thumb that our industry has become comfortable with and reliant on. Using multi-objective analysis and parametric modelling to influence the built form and drive decision making, provides our projects with bespoke and verified solutions.
Our advanced simulation services include:
- Precinct-scale simulation of environmental factors such as wind microclimate, air quality and outdoor thermal comfort.
- Solar exposure and overshadowing impacts of new and existing buildings.
- Facade studies for optimising solar loads, and decreasing mechanical cooling and heating demand.
- Balancing natural daylight penetration and internal thermal comfort for enhanced indoor environment quality.
- Future asset performance under the latest climate change projections.
- Proof of concept analysis for new and innovative approaches to mechanical air distribution.
- Optimised control strategies and operating conditions.