By engaging NDY, you tap into a global network of sustainability experts who will assist your organisation:
- Identify and address sustainability related risks and opportunities.
- Respond to stakeholder and regulatory requirements.
- Enhance the efficiency, reputation and performance of your assets and overall business.
- While each organisation and solution is unique, we work with you to find the best solutions to reach your sustainability goals.
Strategic Advisory Services

Materiality assessment and ESG strategy
We work with your business and stakeholders to establish a roadmap to improve ESG performance. The ESG strategy we develop together is based on a materiality approach and will align with your ESG principles and sustainability position. Your unique roadmap will explore opportunities to help you build clear and appropriate commitments to share publicly.

ESG reporting
Our team is experienced in putting together voluntary and mandatory ESG disclosures using reporting tools and platforms such as GRESB, CRREM and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This includes a range of activities, from end-to-end management of the reporting process through to developing internal procurement processes and data sets. We seek opportunities for organisations to improve and highlight continuous improvement in reporting.

Due diligence
We provide pre-development and leasing advice across a range of market sectors, including government and local council planning policy compliance reporting, development authority consultation and pre-purchase site-selection, auditing and performance modelling. These activities tie back to your organisation’s ESG strategy and future reporting to ensure that sustainability targets are achieved and you are on track to your net zero ambitions.

Carbon accounting and offsetting
Our specialists advise on options for informal validation or formal certification of carbon footprints and carbon management plans and the specific requirements for each.
This work gives credibility to carbon neutral and net zero claims and enables a formalised approach to target-setting for carbon reduction initiatives.
Our team has experience working with peak bodies including the Carbon Trust, Climate Active, Toitū Envirocare and the World Green Building Council and can manage the process on your behalf.

Decarbonisation roadmaps
Our global team can develop and implement a decarbonisation roadmap for your organisation.
In collaboration with our building services specialists, we help you to identify assets in need of improvements across your portfolio, propose solutions for decarbonisation and then categorise and prioritise for investment spend.

Stakeholder engagement and education
We bring a global perspective to environmental and social sustainability issues and understand the profound impact they have on all aspects of your operations, both now and into the future.
We can help you identify, prioritise and communicate the sustainability issues that are most critical to your organisation. This can include stakeholder surveys, workshops and materiality assessments.

Sustainability visioning
We work closely with you and your design teams to develop an integrated sustainability vision for your project or subsequent masterplan. Incorporating sustainability initiatives from the outset, alongside benchmarking against world-leading projects, is critical to drive innovative, low-carbon and people-centric places.
Our future-focused approach also considers the impacts of climate change and potential mitigation and adaptation techniques for your projects and organisation to minimise risk in this changing climate.
Opportunities may include net zero carbon frameworks, precinct scale energy, water and waste solutions, low emission transport infrastructure, biodiversity and nature-based solutions, cultural celebration concepts and a focus on healthy, thriving and connected communities.