NDY has been engaged for all engineering services at the new Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology Headquarters at Bowen Hills.

The main design philosophy of the development is to maintain continuous plant operation: incorporating redundancy and innovative design are key to achieving this intent. To minimise the impact on the day-to-day operation of Stage 1 when future Stage 2 is brought on line, our design documentation is a two stage approach which means we are designing the primary plant within the Stage 1 works.

Future flexibility is also being taken into consideration. The potential churn and the life of the building, as well as the changing needs of departments, work practices and the demographics being serviced. NDY is committed to the principles of life cycle analysis and the team is working together with other professionals in the design team to ensure that the specification of plant and materials are aligned with the required performance and cost outcomes for the intended life of the facility.

NDY’s approach to environmental/ecological and sustainability issues within laboratory/office buildings requires economic strategies for the use of different systems and the degree of quality for reliable low maintenance operations.

A key area is Indoor Environment Quality, inclusive of:

  • Air quality
  • Thermal comfort
  • Daylight availability
  • Energy efficiency.

Consideration has also been made for water management including the collection and recycling of rain water.